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Can't see the forest for the trees?
Sometimes we can be so deep in the thick of our situation that is all we can see. A little external insight is just we need to facilitate our own way in the right direction.


If you're needing a deep dive look at a specific situation or just want some clarity into your life in general this  reading looks at the past, your current energy and surrounding elements, potential obstructions as well as helping energy and potential outcomes.


Once I've received your order, I will set aside time for you and your needs, connect to be a conduit to receive your message, lay out the cards, then interpret them in your choice of a written pdf or a video recording. After it's completion I will send you the downloadable pdf or link for your private video uploaded to YouTube only available to those using the link, and you can watch it at your leisure as often as you like.


I am a practicing volva, ancestral veneration, and German folk traditionalist. I am guided by intuition, my ancestors, and our gods. My connection is as old as I am.
Aside from my lifetime Spiritual connection I have over 2 decades of professional background in healing with training in Massage, Crystals, Energy Healing, Shiatsu, Thai Bodywork, Yoga Instructor, and Reiki.
I interpret the cards using a combination of but not limited to the tarot system, astrological and numerology association, visible patterns and/or intuition and guided connections. 


You must be at least 18 years old.


Statements and predictions offered are meant to be considered as potential outcomes based on situation/question at the time of a reading. 

Readings are meant to be an objective guide not absolute instructions. You retain your Free Will and therefore are accountable for any choices or decisions you make.


Readings are NOT meant to replace professional medical and/or legal council/advice. 


Readings should ultimately be used for entertainment purposes. Their efficacy beyond that cannot be guaranteed.


No need to look any further! Something or Someone has led you to my page for a reason. Take the guidance to heart and order now!

Intuitive Tarot Reading

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