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Working with the All Mother

I am beginning a month long intense connection with the All Mother.

Mother of Dawn.

Mother of Light.

Mother of Family.

Lady of Love.

Lady of Fertility.


I do not choose how my Deities present themselves but rather the lessons they will provide through the connection.


She comes to me every Season of Light, providing lessons of radiating the internal into the external. The last few years my work with her had been more passive with am acute awareness of Her presence but little interaction beyond acknowledgement and occasional honoring throughout the Season. In those years I was focused on binding a relationship with the Dark Goddess of the Cosmos, even during the Season of Light.


This year the All Mother made Her presence known with the request of more focused interaction and moments of deeper connection. I have been doing the prep work to get to this cycle and now, here I am, committed to a moon cycle of honoring Her in some way every day. I will share should She permit me to do so.


Many blessings through this Moon cycle and into the next.

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