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Winter is More Than Darkness

We had out first snowfall last week and even though it didn't last for very long I am definitely loving that fresh look and clear air and all the amazing things winter brings with it! Winter is not just about frigid temperatures and long nights. The atmosphere it sets is time spent inside with loved ones. The various celebrations and gatherings that provide a different energy and connections than what is available during thw warmer months. The food is cozy. The entertainment is cozy. The drinks are cozy. Even the clothes are cozy.

What's more is the extended Nights decreases how much we can do outside, forcing us to slow down, move less and rest more. Just as nature becomes dormant or hibernate we, too, can adjust our speed, our goals, and our focus.

This is perfect for time spent in deep connection with Spirit, time spent with Higher Self during those darker hours to illuminate areas that need healing and nurturing. And, its about the appreciation of light - during sunrise, reminding us of the simple things to express our gratitude for; at high noon as the warmth and brightness available; and the brightening effect when it gleams off of fresh, white snow.

It is during the long nights of winter I find myself decreasing pressure and demands on myself. It is during this season I give myself permission to slow down, adjust my life goals, and allow myself some rest.

And, while the external demands and goals have been extended until Lighter and water days I then get to dive deeper with my Spiritual work, my connections, and healing and nurturing any aspects of myself that needs and deserves attention - no matter how new or old those wounds may be.

Winter provides quiet, solitude, and am opportunity for healing and connections.

I do hope this winter you experience the joys of the Season!

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