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The Origins of My Energy Healing Work

I have been aware of and working with energy my entire life. I grew up in a culture that believed and often experienced hands-on healing during my childhood days.


During my young adult years I had moved away from my childhood culture I had discovered that the majority of the world did not see and work with energy like my family and community did. It was not long before my new world and culture overshadowed my childhood experiences and energy nearly became an echo of beliefs I once held.


When I decided to go for my massage training I was guided by the Divine to choose a school with classes that managed to balance the scientific and physicals aspects of bodywork with the potential spiritual and energetic.


Imagine my surprise and delight to learn there was additional information and other avenues of this childhood energy healing experience available.


I dove into my studies, learning about the body, learning about these other teachings on energy and how to work with it. A whole world was opened up to me that was a direct connection to the one I had grown up in, just presented in a different language.


Since then I have spent nearly 20 years honing my skills for body and energy work. I spent my time gathering additional information and training and experience; merging what I learned of the two - the physical and the spiritual/energetic.


But, I always return to that energy healing from my childhood that I almost discarded. Everything I learn adds to my base knowledge.

I am conduit for divine healing energy and my services are just that - as a conduit. Whether I am accessing and aligning chakras or offering Reiki, or doing an energetic debris cleansing or just a simple energy healing transfer, it is not the title of the service that is the offering but rather my service to the Divine to be a conduit for Divine energy for others. That us the core of each service I offer.

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