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Shadows that Lead Our Relationships

Our relationships with others are a reflection of our relationship with ourselves. What we accept and permit is what we see we are worthy of experiencing. What we close-off or create boundaries for is what we see as necessary for our well-being, or, in some ways, what we perceive we deserve.

The secrets to these shadows are often within the corners of our childhood and the behaviors we adapted because we perceived they were necessary for acceptance, external validation, approval, and/or self-preservation. In their most positive renderings, they manifest as boundaries are specific expectations that we will not falter under any circumstances. Their less than savvy manifestations are cyclic relationships that drain us, hurt us, or oppress us. We get into repetitive patterns because we don’t recognize them, we haven’t shined a light into their lingering shadows to see them yet.

Once we notice the patterns, see them for what they are, we can begin to comprehend why it is we may relate with these characteristics and that can lead to what it is we truly need and what we need to break from to create better boundaries.

Knowing our cyclic relationship patterns is an act of Self-Love.

Learning and bettering our means of connecting with others is an act of deepening our commitment to loving ourselves. And all acts of self-love and such commitments to self is an equal commitment to Spirit.

You don’t have to dive deep within the darkest corners of your shadows to understand your needs, the needs to light up your inner light. You simply have to give yourself time for your third eye to adjust well enough to see the patterns that linger there and address it accordingly.

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