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Self Acceptance

Self acceptance. It is probably the biggest personal battle I have consistently faced many times in my life. Only, for me, its one fought usually on the spiritual front than any other.


Now I'm not going to pretend I haven't experienced moments of looking at my physical form in the mirror with less grace than I should have. But, on the whole, my physical and even character presentation in this life is something I do not give much focus.


But spiritual acceptance is another matter.

I have dismissed, shifted, adjusted, and even hid massive amounts of my person solely because I am afraid of rejection, ridicule, or even potential fear of me because of my gifts and how society at large views psychic, medium, and even tarot and oracle card readings. I did not want to be the brunt of any form of rejection I envisioned was possible.


However, Spirit knows what we have to offer during our life on Earth and my true purpose was not to be denied.

Spirit ensured I was continually faced with ideas and concepts of connections, spiritual gifts, and helping and consistently guided me on a path that had me using my spiritual, conduit connection with every life path I chose. I have been led through training for hands-on healing, crystal work, energy work, yoga, card readings, and casual psychic medium connections I found myself stumbling into here and there over the years.


Its been nearly five years since I began this most recent spiritual self acceptance journey. I've since started offering card readings and psychic reading connections in my area and online.

Its been an interesting journey, to say the least, and the last year has certainly played a significant role in how drastic my life has been changed but I love the path I am now on.

I truly enjoy every time I connect to be a conduit for messages for others!

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