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Revising the Year Ahead Spread

When I initially came across the concept of the Year Ahead Spread I was a little tentative to jump in. It’s not that I did not believe there’s potential in that sort of foresight as much as I didn’t know if I wanted to tap into it at that degree.

My first year I began mid-way through and just pulled cards as a summary of the months that had passed along with the typical month cards for what remained of the year. I was dedicated for this focus to provide personal, introspective growth. I displayed my month card on my alter to see every time I sat in front of it. I pulled daily cards as additional prompt to how that day would assist in re-enforcing what the month was providing. I journaled a recap at the end of the month and an mini-assessment of what I thought may come in the new month based on my perspective of my personal trajectory. Eventually, I added a card for each Sabbat, an additional spiritual growth that my journey through the year had potential of providing should I chose to accept it. And I usually did.

The work was intense. I was actively participating in a Spiritual quest driven by an awakening that was stripping down layers to a raw vulnerability and rebuilding new, better, stronger ones that better suited me and my Higher Self. I remember through this awakening journey I had received several messages at different points in time throughout this process from my patriarch Goddess and my guiding ancestors that I could walk away any time I felt I wanted or need to. The realization of free will with the option to quit, to say I’d received and grown enough was offered encouragement to keep going, dig deeper.

I cannot say if one year was deeper then any other but the energy and frequencies, I worked with in 2019 and the intensity I was feeling at its close had me feeling the need to ease away from such devoted concentration and turn my focus on applying what I had gained from the prior years' work. After 5 years of dedication, I opted to take a break. I had mixed feelings about my decision but ultimately knew I was making the right choice. As the year unfolded I was left with little time to consider how right I may have thought my choice as larger events shook my personal world and my time was better spent resting in the foundation my previous work had created.

Still, as the year came to a close and I began planning my Midnight of the Year (Winter Solstice) ritual I felt compelled to revisit the Year Ahead Spread. There is something about the activity that feels reminiscent of goal setting, only this is an abstract variation with my Higher Self. As an avid goal-setter this is the sort of planning that makes me feel happy. Weaving in the Spiritual Self is a special sort of bonus.

After a bit more contemplation I opted to apply my celebration of the year as two seasons to the spread. Instead of pulling cards for the entire year I pulled cards for the unfolding Season of Light over the next 6 months, taking me to the Summer Solstice. Energetically it feels fitting and, for the first time, I decided to use different decks, light decks; decks that were better suited for that shift from the season of darkness and the slowly waxing Light of the coming, longer days.

Recently, I reviewed my last Sabbat cards for this spread over May Day weekend and realized how close I am to completing this seasons spread. My work with them has been more abstract this time compare to before but I can still see the energy and how it has and can weave in my life, should I choose to accept and work with it. And I usually do. I am looking forward to my High Sunna of the Year (Summer Solstice) ritual and revisiting this spread with the energy of the Season of Night and the proceeding 6 months of energy.

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