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Resistance Can Help Us Grow

Resistance slows us down but also solidifies our choice once we finally make it. . Sometimes in life, during drastic shifts and experiences we face uncertainties that are unsettling. These sort of situation shake us to our core, trigger the shades in our Root Chakra, and leave us questioning old beliefs, current beliefs, and potential future beliefs. . The process from experience that initial shake-up to finalizing our decision is sometimes brief and resolved quickly. Other times it rocks us to the core and demands we look closer, dig deeper, and potentially change our views on whatever aspect of life the event requires our scrutiny. . Even though there is solid grounds with the advice to just be present in the experience, go with the flow, and have faith it will all work out accordingly, I have to admit I also believe some resistance is key if not crucial. . Using the analogy of going with the flow and the visual of water it rises within my own mind:

If you were moving down stream with water that was rapid and even a bit rough it is true that you would waste a lot of energy resisting; however, no mater how much you are meant to give into the waters current you still need to resist enough to keep you head above the surface, to keep your body afloat, to keep yourself from being overwhelmed and potentially overcome by the circumstances. . The same is true when moving through similarly rough situations in our lives. . And I have found a good balance between submitting to the flow yet resisting just enough allows me to feel most solid, more involved, and stronger in both my experience and the results once it's over and time for me to move on. . Resistance does slow down the process but also solidifies your choices once you finally make it.

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