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Perfectionism is a Human Flaw

Perfection is a human flaw.


Ironic, isn't it?


Perfection is a specific goal aligned with a vision, either created or given, that is limited by the human perception, the filter of personal, individual human experience.


As Spiritual Beings we do have access to all the information that ever was, is, or could be; but, our sensory systems can only handle that information in limited quantities. Therefore, we can only access this information in the amount our experiences has cultivated our capacity of reception.


This occasionally leaves us with glimpses of what is or what could be, limiting the broader contexts, limiting our perspective of the whole.


Perfectionism is an attempt to reach a very specific goal based on our limited, personal-experience influenced perception of a vision.

It is flawed because it is limited.


Liberate yourSelf from the bonds of perfectionism and simply live.

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