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Northern Tradition Path through Transitions and to Enlightenment

In Northern European tradition transitions and/or Spiritual Journeys/quests often take a similar pattern: Symbolic death. Transmission of knowledge. Resurrection. New Identity or new way of identifying with Self.


This is easily recognized in the retelling of Odin hanging himself on the Tree of Life but can be found repeated symbolically over and over again in most if not all of the Norse myths.


I believe we go through multiple experiences of such quests within our lives, often marked by already recognized transitional points, albeit maybe not always as seemingly intense - toddler to childhood; childhood to teen; teen to adult; midlife; crone.


Occasionally we experience transitions not marked or recognized by society and we have to muddle through.


Even more rare, a select few experience an even more intense, possibly traumatic event more similar to Odin's hanging as an initiation into, what Northern European traditions called, Seidr/Seiðr practitioner.


Much is lost and forgotten and the disconnect from what was is generations deep so learning and researching to reclaim what was once widely understood by our ancestors takes dedication, research, an open mind, as well as an open connection and communication with our ancestors our gods, and spirits.

The process and the interpretation and the understanding is not going to look the same for everyone, but maybe with enough dedication from those of us who've accepted the task we can re-establish what is not really dead, only dormant.

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