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My Meditation Journey

I was introduced to the deeper concepts of meditation during my massage training. The teachings of focusing on breath and illiciting a relaxation response within the body via the nervous system, the body's Spiritual lay lines.


Okay, so that initial class didn't lay it out quite like that. But the instructor did a great job turning down the lights, creating an atmosphere, then guiding a group of energetic young girls through meditation that tangibly impacted the energy of the room. A shift that last well after the meditation was over and the lights were turned back on.


This teacher led the class through guided meditations before multiple classes and I came to look forward to when her classes were on my schedule.


The power and impact of meditation was a lesson I would come across again and again through additional courses, classes, and trainings during my life building my career in the healing arts. This consistent interaction in my mundane journey slowly, albeit subtlety, helped sculpt my Spiritual Journey. It was inevitable I would ventually began to practice it on my own.


Although some form of meditation has been a casual part of my life in general I would have to say it's a practice that was deepened in the chaos that was this past year or so. I have come to appreciate the base I create when I give myself enough time to sit quietly in the mornings before I begin my day, before my body and mind become busy and distracted and potentially disconnected from the soul.


My quiet time does not always a look the same. My quiet time does not always include prayer or meditation beads, but I can't help noting if I come to space without focus on desired time spent grabbing a set of beads and slowly working through them in a state of quiet being is always a good option for quieting my soul and generating energy that surrounds me the rest of my day.


What about you? Do you spend some of your mornings in a time of peace?

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