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Live to Experience Life

Sometimes existing in the modern age creates such a wedge between our self and our Spirit, leaving us feeling hollow, full of Void, Empty. We don’t always understand this feeling, where or in what its rooted, and some of may not even managed to name it, but the sense of something lacking or desire to seek for more exists deep within all the same. And, with increased awareness is often accompanied with a sense of frustration.

During these times it is best to focus on the strengths in the connections we already know or have experienced. This is not an act of spiritual bypassing, but rather acknowledging that power that already exists within and boosting our Spirit morale with recognition of all the connections we already have. Through this we clear the lines of our established connection, strengthen them, and eventually expand on them – closing that gap between our physical self and our eternal Spirit.

This is the purpose of our Soul’s leaving the Spiritual existence – to experience the physical. Our time here is not a punishment. Our time here on earth is not some re-education camp. It has always been our Soul’s desire to feel existence through the senses that are available within the body. As Spirit we know what things taste, feel, smell, look, and sound like; but knowing is not the same as experiencing it. We were never meant to be oppressed. We are not meant to perceive and experience life as a Separation.

The Experience of Life was always the purpose.

The Great Mother and Father Spirit is requesting you to return to your Spirit-Self. Re-establish that connection, those lines of communication. Strengthen them through regular communication. Seek joy and wholesome-pleasure that lifts the Soul and feeds your desire to experience more, to live more.

Live! Live fully with your entire Being – body, mind, and Spirit.

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