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Journaling Saved Me

Journaling has been a part of my practice before I even considered myself as having a practice. It is what has brought me through some very hard and some very dark times. A Connection to my subconscious, my superconscience - my Higher Self.


Through my teenage years, I delt with deep, scarring trauma through writing and my spiritual connection. I attribute my survival - the reason I am still alive today - to both of these.


Eventually I managed to manifest a more stable world, but my connection and practice have always been a ready staple if I ever needed it again. And, over the last few years as I expanded my Spiritual practice my use of writing to enhance this expanded with it.


Keeping a journal saved me.

Keeping that practice still saves me today.


Do you journal? Regularly? For Spiritual or personal or both?


*Originally posted to Instagram.

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