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Relationships and Connections when Experiencing a Spiritual Awakening

Do you ever just feel out of sync with everything, everywhere, and nearly everybody? That although you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you do belong here, in this time, in this experience yet your personal frequency seems to be vibrating parallel or separate or even opposite than everything else in your, our reality.

Then you begin experiencing an awakening, an awareness of things that may have been nibbling at the edge of your consciousness from childhood and now something has shifted, and you can no longer push such questions, such awareness to position of dismissal.

Whether you have experienced this from an early age or most recently, there is no denying you are experiencing an awakening. The more you open to see the truth and become aware of so much within our Spiritual comprehension and understanding that we have become, as a society, desensitized to, the harder it will become to stay in alignment with untrue frequencies, non-harmonious frequencies.

The more you nurture your awakening, your personal shift, and allow yourself to become more and more aware the more your personal Spirit frequency will shift in reflection. And, as you shift and your frequency shifts the harder it will be to be around situations, crowds, groups, or within lifestyles that conflict or dampen your personal vibrancy. You’ll notice then when you continue trying to squeeze the expanding version of yourself into the old personification and old habits of who you were and what you did and who you hung out with. During these seemingly harmless attempts to constrict your new Self you will experience a dampening of your personal light, a constricting of your personal vibration that will eventually become uncomfortable, especially emotionally.

While experiencing and contributing to your personal shift you will also experience a change in relationships - old and new. People who connect with a very specific version of you will struggle to understand the changes unless they are also experiencing an awakening parallel to yours. And even then, our spiritual journeys and quests occasionally has us taking different paths to the same destination, so we do temporarily separate during the process.

When our awakening and awareness illicit such changes in our physical lives it can begin to make us question our experience and even impact our willingness to engage, to continue.

I am a big proponent that our Spirit has and always maintains Free Will. Destiny and fate are not some pre-written script with some regimented limitations to ad-lib as long as we stick to the original plot.

No, in contrast destiny and fate are written in current time following the vibrations and paths we set when making our choices – it is a script we write for the future by the choices we make today. And, as authors we experience various opportunities to re-write before we get to the point of acting it out (by which time, once you’re on the stage that is set, it is a little harder to change, although in many scenarios you can make alterations while in the moment).

This means, should you choice to shift from your awakening experience you can influence the process, depth, and continuation – or not.

Although, once most begin to become aware, once the box is opened, it becomes hard to want to stuff the enlightening frequencies back into the box.

So, we then have to realize we accept the shift and therefore must adjust accordingly for it’s ripple effects in our real, day-to-day life.

For many this means close friendships begin to lose some of their depths. Jobs and/or accolades don’t have the same draw or pull for invested interest. You can become sensitive to large groups of people, even desire to engage in Hermit-type activities.

None of these activities are harmful in and of themselves; the key is you must you maintain a balanced relationship or connection with all of them. During the process of awakening and experiencing enlightenment and revelations you may recognize the need to create healthier boundaries for yourself. This includes in relationships as well as personal expectations of yourself in relationships, job requirements, rest requirements, spiritual activities and growing a spiritual practice.

The point of awakening is not to become less of who you are but rather more of who you have always been.


I hope this post has been helpful to you, and that is has provided more clarity and insight than you had expected. I am a psychic-medium and I offer generalized readings on YouTube as well as individual, personalized reading options for those seeking clarity, insight, and diving guidance. Be sure to check out the appropriate links for more information.

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