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Expanding our Spirituality with a Mentor

Finding a mentor for support, inspirations, and encouragement is occasionally necessary for our growth and spiritual expansion. As Souls desiring to experience life in its fullness, we – our Soul Selves – are often seeking awareness so that our spiritual connection and experience here on the physical plane is more abundant, more fulfilling. We are not meant to become stagnant. Yet for far too long our spiritual connection has waned, withered, and for most Seekers this has led to Spiritual connections that have become passive. We recognize we desire more but our adapted and societally approved Religious practices has us connecting through mindless rituals that have lost their meaning or potency and/or provides connections to the spiritual realm only through people in positions of power or hierarchy. Many of these requirements were established and continue to be maintained through fear and/or the desire to control the masses through dogmatic approach.

This is not how we were meant to live.

This is not how we were meant to connect to Spirit.

And even if we are not aware of this on a conscious level, we experience this truth within our subconscious. This is the catalyst behind our seeking and eventual Spiritual Awakenings – limited only by our imagination…and however much ingrained beliefs may stifle that. We pursue deeper comprehension and spiritual connections because we desire to experience this world and all it has to offer. And we are meant to do this with our Spirit fully intact and connected, with our Spirit guiding us and experiencing life through the body, as one with the Body.

And when we’ve reached the limits of our personal level of comprehension, it can be helpful to connect with someone who knows more - a Mentor. Some Seekers do this by connecting to Spirit in comprehensible form(s) – deities, devas, ancestors, our higher Self, etc. Others seek mentorship from someone who’s life’s work is in Spiritual Guidance and have become a conduit for messages, guidance, and mentorship.

Mentors – whether in spirit or physical form – are meant to provide insight, connections, and reveal to you your innate abilities all while supporting your Sovereignty. They do not control or force your journey or connections, but rather help you better understand what your subconscious already knows, thereby empowering your Sovereignty.

Should you find yourself seeking a mentor you want to connect with One who presents their message, path, and/or journey in a way that resonates with both where you are currently as well as where it is you seek to go. Their message should be inspiring and empowering and leave you feeling as though you maintain your sense of Sovereignty no matter where you are in your journey or how much mentorship you seek.

Mentors can be a great asset when experiencing a Spiritual Awakening. Should you find you’re hitting a wall, experiencing stagnation or lack of clarity or inspiration, you may want to consider a Mentor who can help in your journey.

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