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Alfablot, Disablot, and Ancestor Connection

Alfablót and Disablót are ceremonies or rituals that commemorated a family's or community's ancestors.

Some of the lore, myths, and sagas of the Norse indicate Alfs were the male lineage while others seem to imply the term could be used towards both male and female as well as some of the gods. In some references Freyr is indicated as the Lord of the Alfs and therefore the Lord of the People, while others indicate Odin/Wodanaz/Wodan is connected with the Alfs along with the Wild Hunt that occurs during the Winter months.

The Dsir were recognized as the female lineage as well as connected to goddesses and other Spirits of the land, this includes Fae and Fairies/Faeries. In fact, in Cinderella when she is visited by her fairy godmother this was to indicate that her passed mother had come to assist her - as out ancestors often do, just maybe not with a song and dance.

Goddesses linked to the Dsir include Freya and/or Frigg, Hel, and our older Ancestor connection Frau Holle with both Hel and Frau Holle having stories connecting them to the Wild Hunt as well.

Alfablot is largely presumed to be observed during the fall transition into winter, believed to happen after the Fall Equinox but before Yule.

Disablót is considered to be observed more frequently throughout any time of the year but does have ties to the Spring Equinox and even the month of May.

Although many today present the various stories, legends, myths, and sagas as references for their interpretation and observations and even recreation of past traditions, they also often will also indicate the difficulty it can be to pinpoint specifics regarding our ancestors connections, traditions due to discrepancies between known lore and written historical texts. However, few (if any) seem to connect the reasons such differences exist is because the stories and legends saved are not of one people from one small community but rather from a large group of people of many various yet connected tribes tjat were spread over a vast amount of land before being displaced and eventually disconnected from their heritage.

Simply put, even when there seems to be a disconnect within the lore and saved stories they are all true. This is the state of our inheritance.

This year as you move into the winter season and possibly experience the thinning of the veil or the call of your ancestors - some you may have known in the life, others in another - you can honor them in whatever way you feel comfortable, it does not have to be an entire ceremony or ritual.

Ways to honor them include:

- Talk about them, share memories you have with others.

- Talk to them - our ancestors are always near, watching over us.

- Light a candle in their honor, this can be done for one or a group/many. Intention is the key.

- Create a space filled with moments of those you love and hold dear to your heart.

- Tell their stories to your Descendants.

- And, if you're comfortable, Create a Alfablot or Disablot or just a simple ceremony honoring your ancestors for yourself or others who may want to join you.

No matter how you honor their memory and your connection, I hope this Season of the Dark half of the year blesses you with Spiritual love and healing.

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