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About Me

My first experience with witnessing hands-on energy healing was within my childhood church. I remember watching with awe and interest at the adults gathering around another, touching the person in the center while the minister prayed for healing. I may not have fully understood the rationale supporting what the adults in my childhood church was doing but I understood what they were doing - I could feel it!


It was the same energy I experienced during moments in conversation with people who were struggling, who needed an listening ear, and some neutral if not Divine advice and I would unwittingly become a conduit for such advice. 


Maybe it was the near-death accident when our dog's chain got wrapped around my throat and he continued to pace around my toddler body in panic. I vividly remember coming out of my body to see a neighbor running towards me, shouting and gesturing towards my father as he tried to make it to me. I don't remember his reaching me or untangling me from the dog's chain; but I remember many moments later looking into the mirror of our bathroom as my dad held me while my mom ran the bath water and I could clearly see the red welts shaped as linked chains in three rows left around my neck from the experience


Maybe it was the car accident in early adolescence when I was hit while running across the road, thrown several feet before landing and skidding to a stop. Once again I raised the upper half of my Spirit out of my body, peered at the stopped car and adult surrounding it before looking my direction. Once I saw they located my body I re-entered and then only experiencing the next couple hours in short bursts as I fell in and out of consciousness.


Or, maybe I was just born with it.


I won't pretend to know for certain but I do feel confident in saying my life was always meant to be in deep connection with the Spirit realm. I was meant to connect, be a conduit, and help others. I was made to do this work!


My childhood memories are filled with moments where Spirit pressed into my awareness. Houses, locations, people, situations, decisions - the potential for seeing or feeling warmth, light, energy, and Spirit could happen anywhere and with anyone. Although the Spiritual practices and traditions I inherited were steeped in recognizing the depth and breadth of Spirit connection and Spirit presence here on earth, it was always delivered with a grave warning that evil also existed in equal amounts, and, therefore, all Spiritual interaction should be feared, certainly not pursued. Still, these intimately personal experiences became such a part of me, influencing my perception, my interaction with others, my life as a whole. Eventually, much to my very committed Protestant Christian parents' dismay, I often played I was a healer or witch or fortune teller, despite being raised in a house without a television or much external media influence.


Then, suddenly, right before my teens I experienced a crises of perceptions and personal acceptance. One Sunday afternoon I played outside near the house while the re-enactment of a converted Christian spoke about her experience with the craft and occult practices, including the gift for sight and premonition. Instead of taking this experience to heart as validation that such gifts are, indeed, real I was frozen with fear that I had somehow, unknowingly and unwittingly managed to practice the occult. I spend days worrying about being possessed and wondered how and who I should tell, if anyone.

I eventually chose to not tell anyone my fear of being possessed but rather began the hearty practice of blocking any and all Spiritual interactions.


Despite my resolve I still found myself counseling friends and family and even troubled friends of family twice my age. Cousins would show me pictures of potential boyfriends and ask me to read their pictures for potential insight; and laugh about all the known characteristics I predicted while musing over all the things I pointed out as potential.


Ultimately, my own Soul stayed the course, eventually leading me to Massage training at a school that looked at the metaphysical side of the field in equal parts to the clinical. I learned therapeutic touch and shiatsu and reflexology and a course named acu-yoga along side my classes in anatomy and physiology and clinic studies. I was blessed with teachers that talked about energy of both clients' and practitioner's and the importance of keeping it healthy.

This was followed with my first job in the field being at a wellness center that offered services past life regression and angel readings along with massage, acupuncture, and chiropractic care.


I am currently almost 2 decades into this career. At the start I did focus on Massage but through the years I have attended and received as much, if not more, training in metaphysical services as I have massage. I expanding my training with crystal healing, acupressure, thai yoga, and Reiki. I studied to be a Personal Trainer and became a Yoga Instructor with training that focused on the Spiritual connections through the Asanas as much as the physical benefits.

My skills eventually led me to participate on the board for a massage program at a well-known college. Eventually I was asked to oversee the massage clinic of the program and even taught several courses during one quarter before I bowed out and returned my focus to my own business.


 In 2015 I stumbled into the online community while experiencing my own Spiritual Awakening and a new, personal crises in the narrative I dogmatically constricted about mySelf and my Spiritual connections - one that I had been shoving deep into my own shadows since I had attended Massage school. My intuition was growing, my connection expanding, and my denial was waning.
Soon I was taking a close look at mySelf, my resolve, my understanding of my gifts and yearning for me to accept what I knew was true all along.


Because, as I now see and am sharing with you,

I was always meant to do this work - be a conduit, a Spiritual Journey Counselor for others!


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